Affair Proof Your Marriage
“Let no one seek his own, but each one the other’s well-being.” 1 Corinthians 10:24
Every marriage will have to endure storms. The enemy will do everything he can to destroy your family. He will use your differences to drive you apart if you allow him to. In marriage, you will disagree, get on each other’s nerves, and think you are better off alone at times.
There was a little girl who went to Sunday School. After it ended, her mother asked what she had learned that day. The little girl said, “The teacher told us about how God took mud and made man, and then God saw that the man was lonely, so He reached into man and took his brains out and made woman.” She didn’t quite get the story right. The Bible says that God took the rib of man and formed his bride. Eve was not made from his feet to be trampled on by him. She was made from his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected by him, and near his heart to be loved by him.
Despite our similar origins, men and women are very different. Women speak 35,000 words a day. Men speak 10,000 words a day. By the time a man gets home from work, he is maxed out, but his wife is just getting started. There is a book called “A Man’s Guide to Understanding Female English.” For example, when a woman says, “We need,” that means, “I want.” When she says, “Just do what you want to do,” that means, “You will pay for it later.” When she says, “I’ll be ready in a minute,” she means, “Sit down and get comfortable because you are going nowhere.” When a man says “I’m hungry,” he means “I’m hungry.” When he says “I’m tired,” he means “I’m tired.”
Good communication will often be a couple’s greatest challenge in marriage. The four hardest statements to make in marriage are “I was wrong,” “I am sorry,” “forgive me,” and “I need your help.” Use these statements often. In everything you say to your spouse, be respectful and kind. Be more interested in fixing the problem than assigning blame. Don’t fight, address the issue and figure out a solution together. Always remember you are on the same team. Leonardo Da Vinci once said, “An arch consists of two weaknesses when leaning against one another, make a strength.