You Have the Power—Use It!
“I pray that…he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being.” Eph 3:16 NIV
Until you realize the power of God that’s within you, you won’t use it. One of the greatest healing forces in the world is God’s Word, and it’s at your fingertips! For example, when you or a loved one gets sick, the Bible says, “These signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will…lay hands on the sick, and they will recover” (Mk 16:17-18 NKJV). That’s a power-filled promise. When Jesus returned to Capernaum, the Bible says, “It was noised that he was in the house” (Mk 2:1). And before He left there, a paralyzed man got up and walked. So: If Christ lives in you, shouldn’t people feel Hispresence when they’re in yourpresence? If you’re on the church board, shouldn’t the church be blessed? You should be a change agent solving problems and helping the church grow. The church isn’t perfect. Nobody said it was. It’s a hospital, not an Ivy League club. But whatever is wrong with the church is man’s doing, not God’s. When God is behind even the smallest thing it becomes mighty; it mustsucceed because His power is absolute, unchanging, and available! It’s time to “use God’s mighty weapons…to knock down the strongholds” (2Co 10:4 NLT). It’s time to force the issue by telling the Devil to take his hands off everything that concerns you! Jesus said, “All power is given unto me…Go ye therefore” (Mt 28:18-19). He has given you the power—use it!