Daily Devotion

March 17, 2025

We Have To Get The Fire Back! (Part 2)

“Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy.” Proverbs 28:13 


The problem with many people is they want to act like they don’t have any struggles or sins in their life. They want to pretend like they are all right. But when the man with the withered hand came to Jesus, the Bible said that Jesus created an atmosphere that made it easy for him to reveal his weakness and shame. It’s interesting that Jesus said to the man with the withered hand, “Stretch forth your hand.” He didn’t want the man to be ashamed of it and hide it. Jesus wanted him to boldly reach out and receive his healing.


Jesus wants us to be okay with showing our weaknesses. Some people never ask for help. There are people with severe marriage issues and family problems, but they will only raise up their “good hand.” They don’t want anyone to see the “withered hand” of their life. They only show the part of them that looks healthy and happy. But Jesus was saying, “If you will show your weakness and display your shame and get in my presence, I will come and heal you.”


If you are dealing with a “withered hand,” stop pretending like nothing is wrong. Go to the altar and ask for prayer, join a small group, or see a Christian counselor. The quickest way to lose your passion for God is to be hyper-focused on your outside image.


There will come a time in your life when success and appearance are not enough. There’s a level higher than success. It’s called significance. You can have great success and be empty and dead on the inside, but when you give your life to God, you move from success to significance. You find out that true joy comes when you are in His presence. Building the business or getting the big house will never fulfill you. It’s His presence in your life that gives you purpose.


Watch the Full Sermon Here
