Daily Devotion

October 25, 2024

We Are To Reign

“…those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.” Romans 5:17


God never intended discouragement to be a prolonged quality in the life of a believer. Jesus said He was the “King of kings.” So if He’s the “King of kings” who is He the “King of kings” over? Who were the kings He’s talking about? The Bible says in Roman 5:17, “He has made us to reign in life as kings through one Jesus Christ.” You have to get this verse down in your spirit. It is powerful. God’s picture of you is not of a weak person who is feeling sorry for yourself, talking like you are defeated, and always in a struggle. But He said, “I, through my blood in my Son Jesus, have caused you to reign in life as kings.” Isn’t that powerful? God says, “My vision of you is that you reign in life as a king. For you to reign in the midst of discouragement. In the midst of bad things.” That’s not saying that everything has to be perfect for you to be encouraged. If you wait on that, you’ll never have a happy day. But God calls you to be an overcomer.


It’s possible to reign in this life. “We are to reign by One, Jesus Christ.” In other words, when we’re one with Him, nothing that hits our life can take us down and put us under unless we submit defeat to it. When you cry and God does not come and things even seem to get worse, remember the story of the disciples in the storm. The Bible says when the disciples were in the storm, Jesus was asleep in the boat. And when He awoke, He stepped out and rebuked the disciples and said, “Where is your faith?” That shows us that He was sleeping because He expected the disciples to take authority over the storm themselves. And Jesus may be saying to you today, “I’m tired of having to do everything for you. I’ve given you my Name, now you take authority over that discouragement.” And if you’ve cried in the middle of the storm and Jesus hasn’t come it’s not that He doesn’t have His eye on you. He’s saying, “I want you to learn how to fight for yourself. Use my Name.”


If you are going through a storm, proclaim this. Say, “I reign in life as a king through Jesus Christ.” Pray: “God I receive your encouragement today. I don’t have to be depressed. I don’t have to be defeated. I don’t have to be discouraged. But in Jesus Name, I receive your peace, hope, strength, and joy.”


Watch the Full Sermon Here
