Unhealthy Comparisons (7)
“But God has revealed [it] to us by his Spirit.” 1Co 2:10 NIV
Unhealthy Comparisons (7)
Paul writes, “No eye has seen…no ear has heard…no human mind has conceived…the things God has prepared for those who love him” (v.9 NIV). You say, “But that’s all in the future!” No; read on: “But God has revealed [it] to us by his Spirit.” Others may inspire and instruct you, but you must go to God in order to find out what He’s called you to be and then align yourself with it. God told the prophet Habakkuk, “Write the vision and make it plain…that he may run who reads it” (Hab 2:2 NKJV). It’s okay to admire somebody else’s vision and be inspired by them, but you must receive your own vision from God and run with it. Only when you do that, can you live to the fullest. God wants you to run according to what He has shown you, not what somebody else says. Stop taking your cues from people. Go to God!
Some of us are forty, or fifty, or sixty years old and we’re still not happy with what we are. We’re frustrated and frantic because we’ve never found that feeling of contentment. The problem is, we’ve made it our goal to become something God never meant us to be. You must go to God, like a house to a builder, and say, “Lord, what building materials have You put within me? How much weight can I bear? What is my purpose? Who should I be? Show me Your plan at every age and every stage.” You are the question, God is the answer. And as long as you know who is who, you’ll always make progress in the journey of life.