Daily Devotion

June 25, 2024

There Is Hope

“And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed.” Revelation 13:3 


Every one of us will eventually suffer wounds and hurts that could kill us spiritually if they are not healed. John 10:10 tells us that the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy. The devil does not fight fair. He will not give up until you are wounded to the point of wanting to give up. He will come after your family or finances if he can’t get you to quit.


But hope is everywhere you look. When you go to church this Sunday, look to your left and to your right. You will see miracle after miracle. You will see people who have been through problems, sicknesses, family deaths, and many other deep hurts, but they are still praising and holding on to God. 


Jesus warned Peter, “Satan has desired to sift you, but I have prayed that your faith would not fail.” Jesus was telling Peter not to worry because even though hard times would come, Jesus had him covered. Jesus knew that after His crucifixion and Peter’s failings, there would come restoration and joy again.


Webster defines a wound as being an injury to the body, a damaging laceration or breaking of the skin that goes all the way to underlying tissue. A wound is more than a surface cut. It’s a cut that goes so deep that it breaks through into the heart and soul of a person. Every one of us has experienced a hurt of that nature. Maybe it was an unfaithful spouse who violated his promise to be faithful. Possibly, it was the untimely death of a child or an addiction to drugs or alcohol. Maybe you have a bad relationship with your kids, or you are experiencing abuse in your home. 


Isaiah 53 says, “Jesus was wounded for our transgressions.” Healing power and hope are available for you today if you choose to accept them.


Watch the Full Sermon Here
