Daily Devotion

March 11, 2025

The Spirit Of Negativism (Part 3)

"You used to live in sin, just like the rest of the world, obeying the devil—the commander of the powers in the unseen world. He is the spirit at work in the hearts of those who refuse to obey God." Ephesians 2:2 


When Joshua sent out the spies to survey the promised land, most returned with what the Bible called "an evil report." They said things like, "The land is destroying the inhabitants" and "We are like grasshoppers compared to the giants in the land." And the scriptures tell us that when the spies started spewing out all that negativity, "It melted the hearts of the people."


We have to resist the natural inclination to grumble, murmur, and complain when something doesn't go our way. Having a bad day doesn't mean you have a bad life. The Israelites had no right to get negative. God had worked so many miracles for them. They had been delivered from a life of slavery, enduring grueling manual labor every day in the horrible heat to meet the Pharaoh's demands. God had even rained food down for them! He had struck down all their enemies. They were incredibly blessed but still managed to find the negative. Remember all that God has done for you the next time you want to have a pity party. When you feed negativity, it grows into a mindset, and that spirit will significantly affect your life. 


The culture of this world is negative. Satan desires to spread hopelessness and fear in God's creation. He is the "spirit at work" in today's news, music, media, movies, and entertainment. Ninety percent of people who read the tabloids and other fake news magazines don't believe they are telling the truth half the time, but people are still drawn to them. Many people today crave negative information, and the enemy controls the culture of this world. 


The enemy knows that he cannot stop you from going into the promise God has for you unless he attaches a negative spirit to you. Being negative is not an attitude born of God. It is of the devil. The first humans on earth had everything. They had a great relationship with God, a perfect companion, a garden full of sustenance, and no problems. But the devil showed up and convinced them that they were missing out. He made them have a negative view of God and their lives. And when they bought into the lie, there were dire consequences. This negative thinking changed the trajectory of their lives. Decide today that the spirit of negativity will have no place in your life or your family's life. God's voice is the only voice that you will acknowledge. Don't let pessimism, discontentment, or fear creep in and rob you of what God has for you. God has a glorious destiny in store for you!


Watch the Full Sermon Here
