Daily Devotion

May 23, 2024

The Power Of Waiting In The Lobby

“Until the time came to fulfill his dreams, the Lord tested Joseph’s character.” Psalms 105:19 


How do you deal with being in the background? There is a story where Jesus goes to Jairus's house, and Jairus's daughter is dead. Jesus tells three of the disciples, “Peter, James, and John, come in the house.” Then He says to the rest of the disciples (paraphrased), “Get out. Wait in the hall. Something great is about to happen behind this door, and I want you to wait out in the hall.” 


Have you ever had God make you wait out in the hall while the “big, important people” were doing big business with Jesus? That's no fun. Often, God may do this to check your attitude. How's your attitude when God makes you stand in the hall when miracles are going on behind the door? How do you respond when your coworker is getting moved up or your best friend is getting used in mighty ways? Maybe you are asking God, “When are you going to open big doors for me?” And God may say, “I notice the little things, and your attitude is a little off.” Until you can stand in the hall with no glory or recognition and do what Jesus said to do with a good attitude, you despise the small things. And if you are devaluing the small things you have been given by Him, you won’t be trusted with greater things.


There is power in waiting in the lobby while God works behind the door. If He's got you waiting in the lobby, He's just watching and testing your attitude. Maybe you are an assistant to great people, and you wonder, “When will I ever get my chance?” You may not be ready yet. 


In Genesis, first Joseph had the dream. You would think his dream would be fulfilled first, but that’s not how it happened. God said, “First, you help the butler with his dream, you help the baker with his dream, and you help Pharaoh with his dream. And when you've helped other people with their dreams, then I know I can trust you with yours.”


Keep a good attitude. God sees you. It's not easy to stay in the lobby while everybody's seeing mighty things behind the door. But be encouraged. You are being prepared for bigger things while you are in the lobby. Soak up this time, and don’t see it as insignificant. The waiting room is where greatness is made in you.


Watch the Full Sermon Here
