Daily Devotion

June 26, 2024

Seven Times Brighter

“But the path of the just is like the shining sun that shines ever brighter unto the perfect day.” Proverbs 4:18 


A “chronic wound” is defined as a wound that has not shown improvement for four weeks. If it continues for an additional four weeks, it is classified as a “non-healing wound.” Some of you may still be carrying a non-healing wound from 5, 10, or even 20 years ago. 


When you have wounds that are not healed, your relationship with God is affected. You gradually begin to lose your love for God because you have allowed the enemy to place a bitter root inside of you that poisons your spirit. When you live in the past, you begin hurting those around you. You can no longer worship because you are fixated on the hurt in your life and not on the goodness of God.


Healing is a must. So, how do you get the wound healed? First of all, you realize that you are not alone in your pain. Someone like you has gone through just as big of an ordeal and made it through. Satan wants to isolate you and make you feel like you will never know peace and joy again. But if you look around at all the testimonies of God’s grace, you would know that the devil is a liar.


Don’t give in to the pain and let it dominate your life. If you’re ever going to get healed, you have to quit feeling sorry for yourself and get into the presence of God. Jesus received deadly wounds at Calvary but experienced victory three days later. 


Don’t allow the enemy to use a wound to kill the joy in your life. Isaiah 30:26 is a powerful promise to people who have been wounded. God said (paraphrased), “Your night will become like day, and your day will become seven times brighter when you let me heal your wounds.”


Watch the Full Sermon Here
