Daily Devotion

March 13, 2025

Seasons Of Transition

"No, in all these things, we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us." Romans 8:37 


A negative spirit will often attack in the season of transition. Notice that the Israelites were coming out of the wilderness and about to transition into the promised land when the spies returned with the bad report. Their report and fear caused an avalanche of negativity. The community grumbled against Moses and Aaron and began forming a plan to return to Egypt! Then, when Joshua and Caleb tried to calm them down, they spoke of stoning them. A handful of men's negative spirits stopped the entire nation's destiny. These were people who had witnessed God's hand working miracles on their behalf on many occasions. God had planned this bountiful place for them to settle in, but they never got to possess it because of the spirit of negativity.


A negative spirit can be powerful. It can very well keep you from inheriting what God has planned for you to have! This spirit is most prevalent in times of transition. For example, you may see a newlywed couple in their first week who are so happy and carefree. But this is a big season of transition for them. They are moving from being single to being married. You may see this same couple a month or two later, questioning their decision. 


The enemy attacks in transitions because people often have an unrealistic mental picture of what that new thing will be like, whether it is marriage, a new job, or a new endeavor. The mental image that we often have of attaining that goal may not include conflict or extra effort. We may see the snuggling on the couch with our spouse or the new office we get to decorate. But be prepared. Whenever you transition into something new, a negative spirit will try to attack you, saying, "You made a mistake. What are you doing? You were happier the way it was before. You should just go back to the way it was. This change is too hard. You can't do this." 


Many people will pray for a new job opportunity, but they are still disappointed when they get the job. Why? Because they had unrealistic expectations. But with a higher paycheck comes more responsibilities. Other people will pray to lose weight and get healthy but then constantly complain about working out or getting up early. Just know you will face challenges when you level up in anything. Like Joshua and Caleb, embrace the challenge. Learn to enjoy the journey just as much as the destination. Be content, and God will get you where you want to go. The Israelites gave up too soon. They were right on the precipice of their promised land. Don't allow negativity to write your story. God has a much better script in mind for you.


Watch the Full Sermon Here
