Daily Devotion

August 8, 2024

Life’s Three Greatest Words (Part 2)

“Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass.” Psalms 37:5 


Life’s three greatest words are “I am persuaded.” Galatians 5:8 says, “This persuasion cometh not of Him who has called you.” The devil is always trying to sway you in the wrong direction. The enemy will try to persuade you to doubt God, His promises, and His dream for your life. He wants you to doubt that your future is good.


But God’s Word says, “And the plans He has for us are sure.” You have to remind yourself that not all the persuasion that comes in your life is from God. If you’re being persuaded to quit or go back to your old life, that is not the voice of God.


In Acts 21, there was a man named Agabus who went to great lengths to talk Paul out of going to Jerusalem. He took cords, bound himself up, and said, ‘I saw in a vision that if you go to Jerusalem, they’re going to bind you, and they’re going to persecute you greatly.” He and the people with him tried to persuade Paul not to go, but He knew in his heart that God wanted him to go. And the passage says, “So when he would not be persuaded, we ceased, saying, ‘The will of the Lord be done.’”


That’s an amazing Scripture because there’s always somebody who will try to talk you out of the will of God. We are often in God’s will, but the enemy tries to persuade us to turn back, give up, quit pushing, quit believing, and just throw in the towel and live a lesser life. And that’s where you have to use life’s most powerful words: “I am persuaded.” 


Paul reached the point in his life where he said, “It doesn’t even matter anymore whatever comes. Let principalities, powers, persecution, attacks, trials, and tribulations come. Bring it on! I am still persuaded that no matter what happens, God’s going to do exactly what He said He would do in my life!” A person who has their mind made up like this is unstoppable.


Watch the Full Sermon Here
