Daily Devotion

August 7, 2024

Life’s Three Greatest Words

“For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38-39 


The Apostle Paul said, “I am persuaded.” Those are three of the most powerful words you will ever live out.


It doesn’t do you any good to know that God is able to save you if you’re not persuaded that He will. You can know that God is able to heal, but if you’re not convinced that the healing is for you, then it does you no good.


You see, the lost are persuaded with bad news. And the saved are persuaded with the Good News. Paul said, “No matter what kind of trouble is happening in my life, I can make it through with the three words – “I am persuaded.” 


If you’re persuaded, you are unbeatable. John 8 never said, “The truth will set you free.” It says, “You shall know the truth, and the truth that you know will set you free.”


You must be completely convinced that the truth you hear is real. The “persuasion” part makes the truth work in your life. You have to be sure that God will do what He said He would.


There are two kinds of people. Those who are persuaded and those who are not. Do you want to know why some Christians tithe and some don’t? Some are persuaded if they give that, God will give back, and His blessings will overtake them. Do you know why some people praise and others don’t? Because some people really believe if they keep praising the Lord, He’ll remove the mountain, defeat the devil, bring victory, and let the sun shine again.  


God wants you to be convinced that you have a destiny and that you’re an overcomer. He wants you to know that favor is on your life and that you are “the head and not the tail, above only and not beneath.” He wants you to be sure that “You will never beg for bread, and you will never see the righteous forsaken!”


God was so persuaded about your worth that He sent His only begotten Son to die for you. He was absolutely sure that death was not powerful enough to hold His Son down. And if God is persuaded, why don’t you get persuaded about what He believes and says about you?


Watch the Full Sermon Here
