How to get your prayers answered (1)
“If you abide in me…it shall be done for you.”
Jn 15:7 NKJV
Have you spent weeks, months, or even years praying about something specific? Are you saying, “Lord, I know what Your Word says, so why isn’t it working for me?” In order to get the result you’re praying for, you must be able to answer these three questions: (1) Are you praying for God’s will? Jesus said, “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you” (v. 7 NKJV). The word “abide” speaks of intimacy and close connection. It paints a picture of “home,” the place where you experience provision and nurture. When you have that kind of relationship with God, you’ll know His heart and His desires so well that your will is going to line up with His will. And as a result you’ll get what you ask for. Don’t just assume that what you are praying for is in line with God’s will. Instead test your prayer by applying the “abiding principle.” Abiding brings spiritual maturity. And when you’re spiritually mature you begin to pray differently. Your prayers aren’t self-centered and self-seeking. The time you spend in the presence of the One you love most becomes more important to you than the end result you hope for. You don’t mind waiting, because you realize God’s timing is always perfect. And when He chooses to say no to your request, you rejoice and say, “Then you’ve something better in mind for me, and I trust You.” Have you reached that point yet in your walk with Him?