Gratitude—It’s Contagious!
“In every thing give thanks.” 1Th 5:18
Author Barbara Johnson was frazzled; she was running late, and had to stand while riding the bus to work. Her attitude was going downhill fast when a cheery voice from the front of the bus announced, “Beautiful day, isn’t it?” She couldn’t see the man, but she listened to his commentary as he described the lovely scenery…this church…that park…a cemetery…a firehouse. His grateful attitude lightened the mood of everybody around him. Then as Johnson got off the bus she caught a glimpse of the speaker: an average-looking man wearing dark glasses and carrying a white stick! Paul said, “In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God.” We don’t thank God for trials, we thank Him in them. Gratitude is like a boomerang. It blesses the recipient, makes a 180-degree turn and blesses the person who gives thanks. One Bible teacher says: “Whatever crisis there is in your life, before it ever came God made sure you’d be able to endure it…others have gone through exactly what you’re going through…and made it through victoriously…with every temptation God promised to ‘make a way to escape, that you may be able to bear it’ (1Co 10:13). Trials and ‘escape ways’ are inseparable. But the Devil doesn’t want you to know that, so every time you go through a test he tells you there’s no way out. I learned long ago when the Devil keeps pressuring me, it’s always an indication that ‘the way out’ is about to be revealed…We need to do what God says. Rejoice!” Remember, “The joy of the Lord is your strength” (Ne 8:10). When you have His joy, it gives you strength for the journey.