Fill Up Heaven With Your Prayers
“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you.” Luke 11:9
The most powerful people on the face of this earth are people who learn how to pray—not people who just know about prayer but people who take the time to pray every day. The heroes of the Bible who were “more than conquerors” were men and women of prayer. They learned to prevail in prayer.
Prevailing prayer is not crisis prayer. It is not only praying when there is an emergency but also consistent and continual daily prayer. You bombard heaven, and it becomes a part of who you are. Everything God wants to do in your life is linked to your prayers. Often, the very first thing we do when we get sick is say, “I need to get a doctor’s appointment.” But the first thing we ought to do is pray. When we are going through a crisis the first thing we should do is pray over the situation.
A picture of prevailing prayer is mighty angels ascending and descending on Jacob’s ladder. Jacob saw, in a dream, the activity of Heaven. He observed the ceaseless motion of angels going up with the prayers of people on earth and descending back down with answers from God. If nothing goes up, nothing comes down. A random prayer every now and then is not a prevailing prayer. Continually fill the arms of angels until your prayers stack up in Heaven. Your prayers will keep building up until they eventually become a memorial in Heaven.
Abraham also prayed prevailing prayers, and in Genesis 18, he stood before God and said, “Will you destroy the righteous with the wicked? Surely not.” Abraham had a nephew who lived in Sodom and Gomorrah with his family. Abraham bombarded God with prayers in order to spare his family when God was going to destroy the wicked city. The only reason Lot was spared was because God remembered Abraham’s prayers. Don’t neglect to pray for your family and those in your world. Your prayers matter more than you realize.