Fasting | Day 20
Excerpted from Jentezen Franklin's 21-Day Fasting Bible Study
I believe with all my heart the Holy Spirit is looking for people in whom he can deposit major revelation concerning the future. People He can trust to share it with the world. But before this can happen, we've got to understand all revelation comes from the Holy Spirit. That's why the Bible said, "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him" (I Corinthians 2:9 NKJV).
One translation says, "God's vast storehouse is so awesome, that He has things planned for your life that have never even entered your wildest imagination." Think of the grandest thing that could happen in your life, and imagine the Holy Spirit has something even better hidden and unrevealed. His desire for you is to see such things and to have them; and yet we'll never see them unless the Spirit reveals them.
Pray to be baptized in the Holy Spirit; you need that fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you revelation concerning your marriage if you are married, and revelation concerning your children if you have children. Revelation concerning your ministry and your calling is coming, because He has hidden things that you don't even know you're capable of doing!
If you climb up high enough in the realm of God, He will open the windows and show you things not visible from where you are now. The Bible describes Noah's ark as having three levels. I believe it is symbolic and can be compared to this fast. When you fast, you are taking your relationship with God to another level. He will speak to you things He would not reveal in a casual relationship. That's why many Christians don't get a revelation of what God's plan is for their life. They stay on the bottom level of faith. It's like living in the outer courts of your own life. But if you will keep climbing up higher, there is a realm in the Spirit where the heavens open up and God will reveal to you His plan and purpose for your life.
God wants to give you a revelation of who you are and who you can be when His Spirit is upon you! This fast has been a journey up that mountain to a place of revelation and deeper understanding. Press in. Ask your questions. Take time to listen to His voice and meditate on His Word.
Think About It
- Take a moment and think about the ways you feel you have grown over the last 20 days.
- What are some of the most important things you have heard the Lord say to you?