Daily Devotion

October 27, 2024

Don’t Vote Against God

“Don’t you realize that friendship with the world makes you an enemy of God? I say it again: If you want to be a friend of the world, you make yourself an enemy of God.” James 4:4


We’re in a battle in our nation between good and evil like never before, and that battle is becoming more and more intense. And where you stand matters. Are you a kingdom person (who stands for God’s Word), a Republican, a Democrat, or an Independent? If you are a Christian, you should be a kingdom person. Jesus is Lord of all, and His word is the final authority. A nation's foundations are everything; if these foundations are destroyed, then it’s only a matter of time before that nation goes into tribulation and trouble. We see examples of this throughout history in the Bible.


The first foundation the enemy would love to destroy is the sanctity of life. “Abortion” is the name that our country so flippantly uses to refer to murdering innocent children. Leviticus 18:21 says, “Don’t give any of your children to be burned in sacrifice to the god Molech, an act of sheer blaspheming of your God. I am God.” “Molech” was a demon principality the people worshiped that demanded child sacrifice. God said this practice would destroy a nation, but it goes on every day in America. Child sacrifice and abortion are the same thing. There is no difference. It’s ironic that people in America who consent to abortion are referred to as “pro-choice.” If you go to the dictionary, there’s only pro and anti. So if someone is “pro-choice,” as it is called in America, they wouldn’t be against a child having the choice to live or die. The culture of this world creates verbiage and terminology that distorts the truth. In our modern times, unborn babies are often referred to as a “fetus” and are treated like “things” that don’t matter. When the church is passive about this issue, we become guilty of going along with it. It’s a critical issue in this election.  


Marriage is the second foundation of our society and every nation that has ever existed. Genesis 1:27 says, "He created man in His own image. Male and female He created them. He blessed them and said,d "be fruitful and multiply.” Man and man cannot multiply. Women and women cannot multiply. Culture says we can be whatever gender we want to be, but that is not what the Word of God says. Political correctness says, “We can play God and change what He created.” God created us perfectly. Genesis 2:18 says, “It’s not good that man would be alone, so I will make him a suitable mate.” He made someone suitable for Adam. God fashioned Eve from Adam’s rib. He made a male, and then he took a man’s rib and made a woman into a woman. There is a distinct difference. And God said (paraphrased), “This is what I bless and sanction.” 1 Corinthians 11:8 says all things originate from God. God defines what marriage is, not the Supreme Court. That’s not discrimination; it’s the truth of God’s Word.  


We cannot rewrite what morality is. Isaiah 5:20 says, “Woe unto him who calls evil good, and good evil. Who substitutes darkness for light and sweet for bitter.” That is precisely what some of our leaders in this nation have been doing. They’re calling evil good. Immorality, sin, abomination, and the killing of babies is called “freedom of choice.” The issue is not Democrat or Republican. The issue is righteousness or unrighteousness. It’s good or evil, light or darkness. God is looking for people who will stand for His principles. Like Daniel, we must refuse to compromise our convictions. The culture of Daniel’s day told him to bow down to other “gods,” but Daniel stood firm in what he knew was right.


Watch the Full Sermon Here
