Cry Out to God!
“In my distress I cried out to the Lord.” Ps 18:6 NLT
There are times in life when the best thing you can do is cry out to God from the depths of your being. Don’t worry about looking undignified, or having people think you have no faith. The psalmist said, “In my distress I cried out to the Lord…[and] He heard me.” Every parent knows that cry. It’s different; it’s not a temper tantrum or a whine for attention, it’s a cry of distress. And though it comes in the dead of night, before you know it, your feet hit the floor and you’re at your child’s side holding them, changing them, feeding them, and comforting them. That’s how God feels about you. When you get so low that you’re reaching up just to touch bottom, cry out to God! David said: “He reached down…and drew me out of my great trials. He rescued me…On the day…I was weakest, they attacked. But the Lord held me steady. He led me to a place of safety, for he delights in me” (vv. 16-19 TLB). David discovered that God was his “high tower” (v. 2 KJV). In Bible times a high tower was a place of safety where the enemy couldn’t get to you. Proverbs 18:10 says, “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe” (NKJV). It represents a place of security in God where you’re lifted above the threat and the circumstances. It’s where you regain your perspective; a place where you can look ahead and know this trial will soon be over. Go ahead, cry out to God and He will answer you.