Daily Devotion

August 4, 2024

Better Is Coming

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1


In Jeremiah 32, the prophet Jeremiah found himself in a dire situation. Nebuchadnezzar had invaded Israel, decimated their armies, and besieged the city of Jerusalem. All hope was lost. Before any of these events happened, Jeremiah had warned the king that if he didn’t turn back to God, the nation would be devastated and destroyed. Instead of receiving the prophecy, he rejected it and threw Jeremiah into a pit full of waste and sewage from the palace. He was only fed molded bread and suffered there for many days with the mire up to his chest. 


Sometimes, we don’t understand why bad things happen out of nowhere. But right in the middle of that horrible situation, the Lord spoke to Jeremiah and told him to buy some real estate! Even though his land had been taken, the city had been burned, and everybody was getting out of there, God wanted Jeremiah to believe that better was coming. 


When you are going through difficult situations, God wants you to have faith that brighter days are ahead.


God also sent Jeremiah’s cousin, “Hanamel,” to offer him his land. He told him, “Hanamel is coming.” Ironically, the name Hanamel means “grace” in Hebrew. So God was saying, “Grace is coming to you in your dungeon.” The piece of property that he offered him was at Anathoth, which in Hebrew means “answers.” So God was encouraging Jeremiah that grace and answers were coming his way.


In the same way, God’s grace and truth are coming to you in your time of need.


Watch the Full Sermon Here
