“Rejoice with those who rejoice.” Ro 12:15 NKJV
William Barclay said: “It’s more difficult to congratulate another on his success if it involves disappointment to us, than to sympathize with his sorrow…Only when self is dead can we take as much joy in the success of others as in our own.” Karen Ehman’s home had been for sale twenty months when a friend called to say hers sold in twenty days. Ehman says: “Although I was thrilled…I was a tad jealous…that ‘poor me’ mentality when God answers someone else’s prayer and my answer seems to be ‘no,’ or ‘not right now.’ As a child I envied kids from two-parent homes…in high school it was other girls’ looks and cute clothes…I was average looking, and although I was every guy’s pal, I was nobody’s gal. In college I envied girls whose prayers for a knight in shining armor were answered…Once married, I struggled with miscarriage and dashed dreams of motherhood…I slapped a smile on my face and attended yet another baby shower. The cure for envy isn’t easy…But when you call on God He will ‘tell you…things…you could [never figure out on your own]’ (Jer 33:3 NIV). Instead of begging Him to sell my house, take away my pain, and fix my kids, I need to ask what He’s trying to teach me that I won’t learn if He rescues me; and what qualities He’s trying to grow in me. God’s willing and able to answer our prayers as He sees fit…[His goal is] growing us to be more like His Son.” Paul writes, “Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.” To be Christlike, you gotta be able to do both.