Daily Devotion

March 21, 2025

A Fire Encounter (Part 2)

“He said, ‘Look! I see four men walking around in the fire, unbound and unharmed, and the fourth looks like a son of the gods.’” Daniel 3:25  


Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego had a fire encounter. The Bible said the king’s men threw them into the fiery furnace bound, but when the king looked over, he said, “I see four men loosed.” When the fire of the Holy Ghost comes, it comes to loose us from bondage, fear, and pride. The problem today is many Christians are too politically correct to pursue the fire of God. They want to be accepted in community circles, but God is saying that these are the days of fire. We will look, talk, and act differently than this world, and that is okay.


When Paul was on the road to Damascus, he met with the Lord and it changed his life. He had a vision and a fire encounter that turned his life upside down. Before this encounter with Jesus, Paul knew the Word very well. He was a Pharisee of the Pharisees. Like Paul, you can have a head knowledge of the stories of Jesus without having the heart of Jesus. Like many Christians today, you may know religious things, but you may need to encounter God’s presence. There’s a difference between knowing about Him and having a fire encounter where His presence begins to burn inside of your spirit. Is your mindset, “I have to go to church” or “I love Him so much, and I can’t wait to get together to worship Him. I live for Him. He is my everything”? 


The Bible said that because iniquity will abound in the last days, the hearts of many will grow cold. God warned the church in Laodicea that they would not be hot, they would not be cold, but they would have a disease called lukewarmness. Then He said, “If you’re lukewarm, I’ll spew you out of my mouth.” (Revelation 3:16)


In the modern church, we have become complacent and distracted. We serve the pleasures of life and chase wealth. We are so busy. How long has it been since the fire of God touched you? How long has it been since you had a volcano of praise burning inside of you that came out of an intimate time with Jesus in your prayer closet?    


So what will bring back the fire of God in your life? John the Baptist and Elijah both preached on it. It’s the spirit of repentance. Repentance is like kindling that’s doused with kerosene. If you are lacking fire and passion in your walk with God, pray this prayer today: “Lord, cleanse me. I repent of the things I have allowed in my life that have grieved Your Spirit. I repent of my cold-heartedness and apathy. I repent of allowing busyness to become a hindrance to spending time with you. God, I’ll do whatever it takes to be close to you. I’ll give up anything. Please set me on fire once again with a love for you and others that will spread everywhere I go. Amen.”


Watch the Full Sermon Here
