Sermon Notes

January 27, 2023

Three Steps to Victory

The people of Laish dealt with no one. They left the people of God and modeled themselves after the Sidonians, wicked people. But the people of God do not model themselves after wicked people. Be very careful who you allow to influence you and get the right people into your life.

Key Scripture:

Judges 18:7-28; 1 Peter 5:8; Proverbs 4:23; Psalm 1:1-2; Nehemiah 7:3; Luke 15:17; Philippians 1:27; Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Key Points:

  1. Be vigilant. The devil wants to ruin your relationship with God. You can’t be too careful when it comes to the people that influence your life.
    1. You need elders. If you do not have people in your life that you trust to influence you, something or someone else will. If you’re not careful, the influence of others will shape your life.
    2. Where there is no law, evil takes over. When you pull away from church and God, evil will take over your life. But time is on our side. Eventually, you will come to your senses and return to God.
  2. Wait until the sun is hot. Before you speak about issues, wait until you understand all the details. If you are unsure about something, do not make a decision until you are.
  3. Fly with the flock. Pick your friends carefully. You need the help that comes with fellowship. When you fall, the right friends will pick you up. You can fly further when you fly with the flock.
    1. Shorten the distance. When you pull yourself back from the things of God, you have to shorten the distance. If you have Christian parents, don’t stray too far from them.

Final Thoughts:

If you are far from God, this is a wake-up call. If you do not have the right people in your life, the wrong people will influence you. Shorten the distance between you and God by getting godly people in your life and modeling your life after them.

Reflection Questions:

  • Is there anything or anyone that you have patterned your life after that is ungodly or wicked? What can you do to change that?
  • Are you straying away from God? How can you shorten the distance today?
  • Who has strayed from God that you need to pray for today?


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