Sermon Notes

December 27, 2020

Show Yourself Alive

It’s time for the Church to show Herself alive again. The Bible lays out patterns and principles that show us the ways of God. And when it comes to trials, there are lessons to be learned. The Lord sets the times that trials start and when they end. There is a limit on trouble in our lives. You will always receive something amazing for what you go through. God sets the times and there is always an end time. It is time right now for an end to these troubled times. Don’t worry about the expiration date for your trials, but know that the Lord has already set the end date. Do not quit. You will have an “after this.”


Key Scripture
Genesis 15: 13-14; Acts 1:1-3; Luke 4, 23:46


Key Points
1. God sets the limits and the times, not the devil. God will use everything you have gone through for your good and He determines the end of difficult times.

2. We have to serve and praise God in the bad times and the good. You must know your redeemer lives and that you shall prevail at the end of it all.

3. There is always an “after this.” God has already determined the end of your suffering asnf your trials. Have faith. God will bring you through the fire. Don’t give up on your life, your family, your marriage or your dream. God will get glory out of your pain if you will allow it.

4.Trials do not mean God’s hand has lifted. There are tests and trials but they do not mean He is no longer with you. He has promised to never leave you or forsake you. God will bless you again.

5. Show yourself alive. It’s not what you are going through, it’s how you come out of it. Display greatest faith. We are not forsaken or forgotten. God is with us and we must show yourself alive.

6. Some trials are harder than others. Some trials don’t affect us greatly, while others are very difficult. But this is part of the plan if you will not give up or give in.

7. Some trials mark you for life. Some trials will change your life. When a trial marks you for life, you must put your spirit into the hands of God. Don’t allow the most difficult trials to make you bitter. Give them to the Lord and He will turn them into testimonies.

8. Wounds remind us of what we made it through. If you will allow God to use your trials for His purposes. Remember all the Lord has brought you through when your next trial comes.

9. The enemy can’t win. He can hit you and hit you, but in the end, YOU WILL WIN. In 2020, the devil thought he knocked us out---but all he did was knock us to our knees.


Final Thoughts
It’s time to get up and show yourself alive. It’s time to shout through your mask and announce that you are still standing and still believing. You are still alive. You can’t go through a year like 2020 and not be marked in every way, including spiritually. Some things have scarred us permanently, but never forget that You are a CHOSEN VESSEL and a ROYAL PRIESTHOOD. Fix your eyes on the Prize. There is a great day coming. There IS an “after this.” The difficult times we are in are simply tremors for the great tribulation and the return of Jesus, our Messiah!


Your joy is not found in what you have or don’t have. Your joy can only be found in Jesus! There is no joy without Jesus. It’s time to show yourself alive. Lift your hands and worship to show yourself alive! You are still God’s man or woman and His plans for you cannot be thwarted. Decide today that you are victorious regardless of the circumstances. You are alive and you are still here! You may have gone through alot, but you are still alive! Show yourself alive and allow the Lord to shine on a dark world through you.


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