Sermon Notes

March 6, 2022

Setting the Stage for Miracles

If you are going to receive a miracle, you have to set the atmosphere. Your mood and emotions matter. You have to remain tender through prayer and worship. We have a part to play in our own miracle story. Our attitude and our tenderness of heart play a key role in our ability to receive from the Lord.


Key Scripture
II Kings 3:14-17; I Samuel 16:16-18; Psalm 33:1-3


Key Points
1. Music can set the stage for miracles. Our emotions affect our faith and music can assist us in our posture of worship. Your mood matters because it affects your posture before the Lord. Have a posture of worship, humility, and faith.

2. Music can change your mood. Use music in your morning and in your day to set your mood … for good OR for bad.

3. Praise will bring about a word from the Lord. Get a song in your heart and in your prayer room.

4. We have to have the right mood as a church. God wants you to become someone that sets the stage for the miraculous in His house and the atmosphere for divine Words of knowledge and prophecy.

5. We’re setting the mood for miracles in this church. We are making room for healing, signs, and wonders.

6. The Lord is always looking for a shout. We need to get loud about our faith. We need to be grateful people who remember what God did for us. The devil is looking for a way to kill praise. Don’t let him kill it in your life.

7. We have to be set apart all week long. Music sets the mood for God or for evil. You can’t drink from the cup of the devil all week and think you can praise with freedom on Sunday. Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and you can’t mix the carnal with the spiritual.

8. To go to the next level, our praise has to increase. Take your mood to the next level to set the stage for your miracle.

9. Something in your heart needs to shift on Saturday toward Sunday. Sunday matters. What you do on Saturday needs to begin to shift as you get closer to Sunday. Don’t enter the house of God haphazardly. Enter with anticipation—with worship and expectation. It’s the Lord’s day; Prepare yourself.


Group Questions
1. Have you thought about “setting the mood” in your home each day? If yes, what do you do to “set the mood” in your home each day?

2. Do you need a miracle in your life or in your home right now? If yes, what are you doing to create the atmosphere in your life to receive that miracle? Or is this a new concept for you?

What are some things you could start doing now?

3. Do Sundays really matter to you and your family? Do they matter to your children?

4. Do you start thinking about Sundays on Saturday? How can you build anticipation and expectation for Sundays on Saturday?


Final Thoughts
Your worship matters. Your praise matters. Your mood matters so take care to set your mood the first thing in the morning. Sundays matter—so much so that Sunday needs to be on your mind on Saturday.


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