Sermon Notes

July 17, 2022

Seed Power

God rules the earth through His laws, and His promises are spiritual laws to live by. God gives you a seed of promise; everything you have been promised is in that seed.


Key Scripture:

I Chronicles 4:20; Hosea 4:17; Genesis 41:14


Key Points:

The Different kinds of seeds

1. Access is the seed for opportunity. When you enter any arena, your access is your seed for greater opportunity. Identify any environment you have access to as a place God has sent you.

2. Battle is the seed for territory. Get good at fighting. You cannot grow without the battles. Battles are required to take new territory. Battling is a lifestyle, and you will never outgrow warfare. We have the weapons of the Word, prayer, fasting, discernment, and so many more. Fight for your marriage and slay the Goliaths that come against you. Your promised land will be filled with battles, but they are battles you will win.

a. The evidence of new territory is a giant you encounter

b. Never fight for what God didn’t give you


Reflection Question:

Are you facing a battle or multiple battles right now? Have you ever considered that these battles may be a sign that God has opened a new door for you and expanded your territory?


3. Thankfulness is the seed for joy. You must live with a spirit of gratitude. There is something to thank God for in every situation. You have to use self-talk throughout the day, reminding yourself of all there is to be thankful for. Praise Him, and joy will follow. Thankfulness must be verbally expressed.

4. Confrontation is the seed for change. Anything unconfronted increases. Anyone who loves you will confront you when you are going in the wrong direction.

5. Listening is the seed for knowledge. Listen to people, and you will get knowledge. Listen for pain, anger, and frustration. Be present in conversations.

6. Honor is the seed for access. Your future is decided by who you choose to honor. You honor through respect. Sometimes you show respect with silence. Honor your father and mother.

7. Presentation is the seed for acceptance. God may look on the inside, but man looks at the outside. Your outside matters. Presentation takes time, creativity, and attention to detail. Presentation in your marriage matters. Presentation matters when trying to reach generations.

8. Words are the seeds for feelings. Words can blow up a bridge or heal a heart. Your words will either build or blast. Right words are the bridge out of troubled waters.


Reflection Question:

Do your words hurt or heal others? Do others who know you best say your words hurt or heal? Do you forego compassion and gentle words (Proverbs 15:1) to be blunt or “truth?” Do you know anyone like that?


9. Order is the seed for productivity. Order will create joy in your life.

10. Problems are the seed for recognition. A problem is an opportunity to reveal your skills and your competence. Trouble was Joseph’s way out of prison. A problem was David’s opportunity to become a hero. Be a problem solver.

11. Confession is the seed for mercy. Saying you are sorry for what you have done with godly sorrow is of great worth. Repentance is the seed of forgiveness.

12. Today is the seed for tomorrow. Don’t say someday or one day; say today is the day of salvation.


Final Thoughts:

Everything you have been promised is contained in something you already have—your seed. All you ever need is contained in your seed. The seed of "now" is something you need to do right now.


Reflection Question:

Is there a seed of “now” you are experiencing today?


Do not wait for tomorrow, do it now. What you do today is what matters most. Everything you have been promised can be found in the seeds God has given you.


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