We Are Not Crazy
God measures greatness by service, not status. Greatness isn’t measured by how many people serve you but by how many people YOU serve. That’s how God views service. To be like Jesus is to be a servant. Service is a spiritual gift. We all have the gift of service.
Key Scripture:
Mark 10:43; Galatians 613,10; Matthew 25; I Corinthians 15:58; Philippians 2:25; Acts 2; Ephesians 4:1; Hebrews 13:17; Romans 12:8; Matthew 19:27, 20:26
Key Points:
- Your gift will only be used if you have a servant’s heart for others. Don’t see any act of service as beneath you.
- Real servants make themselves available. They don’t wait to be asked…they offer their service.
- God never exempts us from the mundane. Do little things as though they were great things. If you think you are too important to help someone you are being fooled. Jesus washed others’ feet. Jesus cared for children. Jesus fixed breakfast for others. Jesus went to and touched lepers.
- Real servants are faithful. They don’t make commitments casually. They don’t quit when the going gets tough.
- The church is the hands and feet of Jesus. Hands and feet run to people.
- Take your talent and offer it and God will use it for His glory. Teach your children that God rewards people that work and serve others.
- Real servants keep a low profile. Self-promotion and service to others don’t mix.
- Jesus said He would build His church on the shoulders of volunteers. The plan has always been the church is the priesthood of the believer. God can use any and every gift. We are to mobilize the volunteers to build the Kingdom of God.
- Volunteers are to be the backbone of every healthy church. The heart of a servant is what God is seeking. There are no reasons not to serve when you have all of the heaven cheering you on.
- Giving is a spiritual gift. Some people receive their greatest thrill from being able to give in ways others cannot. It is these people that God uses to make great advances in the kingdom.
- You’re not crazy. What we do when we worship and serve God will be seen by the world as “crazy.” But you are not crazy and God sees every act of service you perform.
Final Thoughts:
Can God depend on you? Are you willing to be the hands and feet of God? Even Paul called himself a “servant of God.” Church members are not to be consumers. They are to be servants, becoming more and more involved in the cause of Christ. Are you a giver? Are you faithful to the tithe and the offering? Why not get all the way in? Why not go the extra mile and begin to serve at a greater level than you have ever had? Jesus said, “If you want to be great, become the servant of all (Matthew 20:26).”