Sermon Notes

September 15, 2024

The Remedy for Discouragement

Sermon Notes

The devil wants to scatter marriages, families, nations, and churches and take out your vision for the future. But God has a remedy. Lift up your head, look to God, and build back what Hell destroyed.


Key Scriptures:

Zechariah 1:16-2; Psalm 121:1-2; Nehemiah 4:17; Matthew 13:55; I Kings 18:38-39; Jude 1:20; Nehemiah 4:6


Key Points:

  1. Lift up your head. Adversity takes your vision. Don’t look down at your feet and focus on what you’ve been through. God wants you to have vision. Lift up your head and look to the hills where your help comes from. Help is on the way!
  2. God needs carpenters, not critics. Things will get better when you quit whining about it and start working on it through prayer and love. God wants people with tools in their hands, as an army of builders, to build back what Hell destroyed. It’s time to quit whining and start working on your marriage, family, and ministry. It’s easier to point a finger than it is to pick up a hammer, but you won’t change anything by blaming others.
  3. Build with one hand and fight with the other. When you do what God is calling you to do, critics will come, but don’t stop building. You must learn to fight with the sword in one hand and build with a hammer in the other. Idle hands don’t rebuild anything.
  4. Carpentry is the remedy to scattering. Jesus doesn’t want to demolish broken people but to rebuild them. Jesus is a carpenter’s son who can rebuild any broken place in your life. There is life beyond your pain!
  5. Rebuild demonic damage. There are three things you must do to rebuild what the Enemy has scattered:
    1. Rebuild an altar. Every problem with people is a prayer problem. If you fix your altar, the altar will fix you and rebuild your life. You build your greatest altar out of what you don’t have.
    2. Rebuild relationships with others. Don’t let your life be all about yourself. If you build others up, you will be amazed at how God begins to build you up. If you pour out into others, God will pour into you.
    3. Rebuild yourself. Praying in the Holy Ghost will build up your faith. When no one is there to encourage you, you must learn to encourage yourself.


Final Thoughts:

The Enemy wants to discourage, destroy, and scatter you. But God has a remedy. Get it in your mind to work, and in the coldest times of your life, the heat you need will be in the tools you use! When you start working, things start warming up; the heat is in the tools. If you stop whining and start working, God will empower you to rebuild everything Hell destroyed. Get a sword and hammer and get to work.
