Sermon Notes

August 23, 2024

Overcoming The Fear Of Failure

The fear of failure often raises its ugly head when you try to do new things. The Enemy wants you not to dream or have vision, but you must decide to be a faith-filled and bold believer who knows how to overcome the fear of failure.

Key Scriptures:

Matthew 25:25-26; James 3:2; Romans 3:23; Proverbs 14:4

Key Points:

  1. Change requires faith. Without change, you will live a life of wondering what could have been. When you approach the place of change, refuse to retreat to the place of comfort.
  2. Playing it safe never pleases God. Without faith, it is impossible to please God; faith is a risk. You must go beyond what you’re comfortable doing to accomplish what God has for your life.
  3. It’s wicked to bury what God has given you to do. The richest place in the world is a graveyard. It’s full of dreams and potential that never came about. Don’t be afraid to take a risk to please God.
  4. Everybody fails. You have to fail to win. No one is exempt from it. All have sinned and fallen short, but you can’t let that stop you from trying again.
  5. Failure is not final. If you fall, it doesn’t mean it’s over. Even if you’ve lost a battle, it doesn’t mean you’ll lose the war. It’s only over if you give up.
  6. There are benefits to failure. Failure can educate you and help you find your one true talent. Learn from your mistakes and move forward! If you trust God, God will always help you overcome failure and come out better than before.

Final Thoughts:

If you’re going to do anything great in life, it will be full of failures; you can’t avoid them. But you can’t let the fear of failure get you to quit or never step out in faith. Walk in faith, learn from your failures, and watch God do the impossible through your faith!
