Sermon Notes

May 19, 2024

Defeating the King of Pride

Sermon Notes



What can stop the power of the Holy Spirit? It is the spirit of pride! Leviathan, the king of pride, lurks below the surface, influencing you without you even knowing. Once that twisting spirit gets in you, it’s almost impossible to pull it out without God’s help. But this ruling spirit will wipe you out if you don’t get rid of it.  If you want to experience a move of the Holy Spirit, you must get rid of pride.


Key Scriptures:

Job 41; Ephesians 6:18; Philippians 4:6; Hebrews 5:7; Proverbs 13:10; Proverbs 6:17; John 13:4-5; Isaiah 27:1



Key Points:

  1. The spirit of pride keeps you from prayer. One of the greatest manifestations of pride is prayerlessness. People who don’t pray are being influenced by pride because they don’t believe they need God’s help. Don’t make the mistake of not praying after God has blessed you; keep praying! Humility is a position of prayer.
  2. The spirit of pride makes you a harsh person. When you become proud, you can’t use soft or gentle words. Proud people think they have a reason to be harsh, cruel, or angry with the way they speak. But when you’re humble, you’re gentle with people because you don’t think too highly of yourself. Don’t ever let your success make you think you’re better than anyone else. You don’t ever have the right to speak harshly to people.
  3. The spirit of pride does not keep covenant. If your heart becomes too hard, the wind of the Holy Ghost can’t penetrate it. Religious pride rejects covenant. But if you humble yourself, God can pull all that junk out of you and restore every relationship in your life.
  4. The spirit of pride will cause you to have a difficult time serving people. You will not want to serve people when pride gets ahold of you. But Jesus was a servant. Serving is a position of humility.


Final Thoughts:

Jesus humbled himself and washed the feet of his disciples. What would happen if you washed the feet of your spouse? When you humble yourself, God sends the wind of the Holy Spirit. Humble yourself by praying, speaking kindly, keeping covenant, and serving.
