Daily Devotion

July 26, 2024

Look How Far You’ve Come

Have you ever felt like giving up? Throwing in the towel? Maybe you’ve been tempted to throw up your hands when:


• you didn’t have answers

• there weren’t logical explanations

• everything seemed to be going wrong

• the harder you strived, the more ground you lost


Throughout the Old Testament, we see the Israelites getting discouraged and wanting to give up. Time and time again, they would compare their enemies to themselves instead of their God.


Maybe you can relate to that.


It’s essential to realize the size of your God is revealed by the size of the thing it takes to discourage you. If your “big” problem can move you to despair, then you’ve underestimated how truly big and powerful is the God who called you and made you His own.


Discouragement is often born when we start comparing ourselves with others or with the size of the challenges in front of us. But let me share a spiritual strategy for combatting discouragement:


Remember where you came from.


Look how far you’ve come. Think back to how much God’s blessed you, how good He’s been, how many times He brought you through in the past.


God’s not finished with you yet. He wants to grow your faith and mature you in steadfast patience.


The Bible said as long as the earth exists, there will be seed, time, and harvest (Genesis 8:22). There’s the promise, but then there’s the waiting for the promise to be fulfilled. Like a woman who’s pregnant—there’s a due date.


This is why Scripture encourages us in Galatians 6:9 (NKJV), “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.


Many people are trying to get fruit in the season before it’s due. But it was when the fullness of time had come that God sent forth His Son. When the day of Pentecost had fully come, God poured out His Spirit.


You can’t force something to happen out of season.

But you can remain faithful in the waiting. You can choose not to “grow weary while doing good.” You can remember how far you’ve come and trust your faithful God to fulfill every promise He’s given you!


Watch the Full Sermon Here
