Daily Devotion

September 15, 2024

It’s Time To Stand Up (Part 1)

“…He pleaded with them, ‘Save yourselves from this corrupt generation.’ Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day.” Acts 2:40-41


In Acts chapter 2, Peter preached a simple but powerful message, and the church grew by 3,000. The message was controversial because the audience was made up of people who had just crucified the Savior of the world. With great boldness, he challenged the people to repent of their sins. While Peter courageously spoke, 11 other men bravely stood by his side.


In America today, it is still hard to be a preacher. More and more, if you stand for what is right, you are ridiculed and ostracized. People become angry when a strong stand is taken on marriage and abortion. Preachers have to stand their ground like never before in these last days. But it’s going to take more than preachers to bring revival to this nation. Just like the 11 disciples, there has to be men and women who stand up with ministers and pastors. God needs people who will stand up for the Bible, morality, marriage, and family. God is looking for people with a backbone who will stand up against perversion and evil. 


Today, being a Christian who lives and speaks the whole Bible is not considered “politically correct.” Everywhere you look, on social media or on the news, you are being told to live “woke,” which basically means to live free from any biblical principles. Like in the days of the disciples, we live in a nation that desperately needs to hear the gospel. More than ever before, we need to stand behind our preachers and the Word of God and urge America to repent and turn to Jesus. Time is running out. It’s time to stand up!


Watch the Full Sermon Here
