Daily Devotion

February 11, 2025

How To Miss Your Miracle

"When Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he already had been in that condition a long time, He said to him, 'Do you want to be made well?'" John 5:6


Are you believing in God to do something supernatural in your life? We don't serve a natural God. Don't just ask for things you could orchestrate on your own. Believe in God to bless your life in an incredible and unlikely way.


In John 5, there is a story of a paralyzed man who had repeatedly been coming to the "miracle" pool of Bethesda for 38 years: year one, no breakthrough. In year two, there is still no breakthrough. For 38 years, he watched everyone else get their healing.


There are stories in scripture where we learn exactly what to do and others that teach us what not to do. The paralyzed man's example shows you how to miss your miracle.


Jesus went up to the man and asked, "Do you want to be made well?" He replied, "Sir, I have no man to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up, but while I am coming, another steps down before me." Jesus asked him a question, but he shared an excuse instead of answering.


Don't let excuses make you miss your miracles. Benjamin Franklin said, "He that is good at making excuses is seldom good at anything else." Excuses are nails used to build a house of failure. Decide to stop focusing on why you think your miracle can't happen. There's a difference between facts and truth. Facts are based on what's practically going on in front of you. Truth is based on the supernatural power written in the word of God. The Bible doesn't say you will know the fact and the fact will set you free. The Bible says, "You will know the truth and the truth will set you free." Let the truth of God's word light up your path and walk you into what God has planned for your life.


Watch the Full Sermon Here
