Daily Devotion

July 16, 2024

God’s Word for Your Worry

“Cast your burden on the LORD, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.” Psalm 55:22


Do you ever worry? If your answer to that question is “Yes,” then the specific thing you tend to worry about probably just popped into your mind.


If that’s the case, I believe what I’m about to share will help you in a very real and powerful way.


One of the many damaging things about worry is that it tends to strip us of confidence. Instead of focusing on our God's greatness and our Savior's perfection, we focus on the details of our problems. We focus on the situation, the evidence, and the tangible reasons we have to worry about. Then, we let those circumstances drive our decisions and permeate our thoughts.


If you struggle with this, I want you to know there’s no shame in it. It’s a very common thing. Battling worry doesn’t make you weak; it makes you human. But you don’t have to live with it. A key to overcoming worry and anxiety is receiving this simple yet profound promise today:


The King’s got it.


Whatever your worry is today, just bring it to Him. You don’t have to carry it. In fact, you were never meant to carry it. The great King of the Universe is on the job. He works the midnight shift. He loves you. He cares about you. And He’s moving and working on your behalf.


Today, let go of your worry and give it to your God. The King’s got it.


Watch the Full Sermon Here
