Jentezen Franklin TV
Frequently Asked Questions

What devices is the Jentezen Franklin TV streaming app available on?
Currently, Jentezen Franklin TV is available on Apple devices (iPhones, iPads, and Apple TV), Roku, Amazon Firestick, LG Smart TVs, and Android TV devices such as Google TV. It is not currently available on Samsung or Android mobile devices. Read more about how to download for each device here.

Do I have to have an account to watch?
No, you do not have to create a profile or account on Jentezen Franklin TV to stream content.

Does the Jentezen Franklin TV cost money?
No, Jentezen Franklin TV is completely free to download, create an account, and watch! There are no hidden costs or fees! No subscription is needed. There are no in-app purchases.

Can I use the same login I use for
Yes. If you already have an account on the website, you can use the same email and password to log in on your TV without having to create a new account.

Can I add videos to a favorites playlist or bookmark to watch later?
Yes. If you have a free account on Jentezen Franklin TV, you can bookmark videos as a "favorite".

Does Jentezen Franklin TV offer audio in different languages?
Yes, Jentezen Franklin TV has Spanish sermons available to watch.

What type of content is available on Jentezen Franklin TV?
Jentezen Franklin TV offers exclusive content with full, unedited sermons, worship sessions with Jentezen Franklin, live streaming, and classic, legacy messages.

How do I sign up for Jentezen Franklin TV?
Once you have successfully downloaded Jentezen Franklin TV to your device, open the app and navigate to the "Register" page. Here, you will fill out the required form fields to create an account.

What benefits do I get from downloading Jentezen Franklin TV to my device?
When you download Jentezen Franklin TV to your compatible device, you will receive an enhanced user experience that includes, but is not limited to, the following benefits:

Ease of Access: Once downloaded, Jentezen Franklin TV can be accessed with just a tap or click, without the need to navigate through a web browser and enter website URLs.

User Experience and Interface: Jentezen Franklin TV is specifically designed for TV screens, ensuring a user-friendly experience optimized for this platform. This offers a smoother, more intuitive experience compared to navigating a website on a mobile browser.

Speed and Performance: Jentezen Franklin TV is optimized for performance and speed on the available platforms. This can result in faster loading times and smoother playback compared to streaming content through a web browser.

Integration with Devices: Jentezen Franklin TV can easily integrate with various streaming devices (Roku, Apple TV, Android/Google TV, and Amazon Firestick). This allows for a seamless streaming experience across multiple devices.

Why is my video not full screen when I click "play"?
Initially, the video player is reading the bandwidth of your television before it proportionally resizes to the dimensions of your device. It should only take approximately 30 seconds to do so.