You can do it!
“I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency.” Php 4:13 AMP
One of Satan’s favorite strategies is making you feel incapable of accomplishing anything worthwhile. He’ll remind you of your past mistakes so that even when you do make an effort, your fear of failure will sabotage you. This is commonly referred to as “Failure Syndrome.” Satan wants you to feel so bad about yourself that you’ll have no confidence at all. But the fact is you don’t need confidence in yourself—you need confidence in the God who lives within you! Without that, you’re like a plane without fuel sitting on the runway; you look good but you’ve no power. Hear this: Through Christ you have the power to do what you never could on your own. Once you learn this truth, anytime the Devil tells you, “You can’t do anything right,” your response will be, “Maybe not, but Jesus in me can; and He will because I’m relying on Him and not myself. His Word says I’ll succeed in everything I put my hand to” (See Jos 1:7). When the Enemy says to you: “You’re not able to do this, so don’t even try! You’ll fail again like you did in the past,” your response should be: “It’s true; without Jesus I’m not able to do a single thing. But with Him, and in Him, I can do all I need to do.” Read these words, get them down into your heart and stand on them today: “I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me [I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency].” The word for you today is: You can do it!