The Power of Vision (2)
“Acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” Pr 3:6 NKJV
Having a vision for your life gives you four things: (1) Passion. It makes you wake up in the morning and bound out of bed because there’s something out there you love to do; something you believe in and are good at; something bigger than you; something you can hardly wait to get at. (2) Motivation. Author Richard B. Edler said: “Safe living generally makes for regrets later on. We’re all given talents and dreams. Sometimes the two don’t match. But more often than not we compromise both before ever finding out. Later on, we find ourselves looking back longingly to that time when we should’ve chased our true dreams and talents for all they’re worth. Don’t be pressured into thinking your dreams or talents aren’t prudent. They were never meant to be…They were meant to bring joy and fulfillment to your life.” (3) Direction. Vision simplifies decision-making. Anything that moves you closer to your vision gets a green light; everything else should be approached with caution. Vision brings what’s important to the surface, and weeds out anything that stands in your way. Without vision, good things will keep you from achieving great things. People without a clear vision are easily distracted. They’ve a tendency to drift aimlessly from one thing to another. They’ve no spiritual, relational, financial, or moral compass. Consequently, they make decisions that rob them of their dreams. (4) Purpose. Having vision is like getting a sneak preview of things to come. It says, “If you don’t show up, something important won’t happen. Your life matters. Without you, what could be—won’t be.”