Daily Devotion

June 30, 2012


“The word of the Lord came…in a vision.” Ge 15:1 NKJV
God promised Abraham, “In you all the families of the earth shall be blessed” (Ge 12:3 NKJV). That’s a big vision! But God knew Abraham had the faith to embrace it. If you hate what you have to do in order to pursue your vision, something is wrong. Examine your motives. See if there are inconsistencies between who you are and what you’re trying to accomplish. Have you taken ownership of the vision? Do you have the heart for it? If pursuing your vision causes you to violate your values, then you need to get another vision. Maybe the problem is your attitude. (1) Are you too idealistic? You must accept the way your vision is unfolding, and change your expectations concerning how long it’ll take. Ninety percent of all disappointments stem from unrealistic expectations. (2) Have you stopped dreaming daily? You must let yourself dream a little bit every day, explore possibilities and embrace options. Be creative. Continuing to dream actually helps you to move forward. (3) Do you appreciate each small step of progress? One way to feel fulfilled is to celebrate each success. Recognize when you pass milestones. Thanking God for your progress will encourage you to keep moving forward. (4) Have you made personal growth your goal? The only way to fulfill a big vision is to grow with it. The bigger the vision, the bigger you have to be to achieve it. What is God revealing to you in your current situation? How can you grow? The greatest reward of pursuing a vision—is who you become as a result.
