Daily Devotion

April 24, 2014

Pray for Christians Under Attack

“Remember those…who are mistreated.” Heb 13:3 NIV

Do you ever pray for persecuted Christians in other countries? You should, because they are your spiritual family. John writes: “I saw…those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained” (Rev 6:9 NIV). Increasingly, believers around the world are giving their lives for the cause of Christ and the testimony they’ve maintained in the face of hostility. “Are you trying to make me feel bad?” you ask. No, just: (1) More prayerful. “Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.” Next time you hit your thumb with a hammer and your whole body aches, remember this truth and pray for the great big worldwide body of believers, many of whom are still being mistreated, imprisoned, tortured, and even killed in Christ’s name. (2) More grateful. You say, “Grateful for what?” That your faith is so effective that you’re on Satan’s hit list; that he considers you a threat to his kingdom and his agenda in the earth. (3) More faithful. Richard Wurmbrand, who wrote Tortured For Christ, said, “What a person really believes is not what he says in his creeds, but what he’s willing to die for.” Now, the odds are that you will never be called upon to die for Jesus. But the question is, if you’re not willing to die for Him, what are the chances you’ll really live for Him? Before you can answer that question you must ask yourself, “How much of my time, my treasure and my talents am I investing into His kingdom?”
