Daily Devotion

February 6, 2025

Make Up Your Mind To Pray

“But Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer.” Luke 5:16 


We can learn four key essentials from Jesus’s prayer life. The first key essential is that He had a specific time to pray. Mark 1:35 says, “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house, and went off to a solitary place, where He prayed.” He set aside time to pray, commune, and fellowship with the Father. Nothing separated Jesus from His prayer time. He was not too busy, too successful, or too active to pray. He was not too preoccupied doing things like healing the sick and casting out devils to pray. 


Luke 5:16 tells us that Jesus oftentimes withdrew Himself into the wilderness to pray. 


Jesus’ prayer life was not spasmodic. It was not on again, off again. It was regular, predictable, and consistent. It was a specific time of prayer. Jesus could stand before any king because He had knelt before the King of Kings. Jesus could stand before any judge or person of power and not feel intimidated or afraid because He had first kneeled before the God of the universe.


Each day that you live, God looks for you and waits for you to come to Him. Establish a time of prayer each day. Secondly, Jesus had a place of prayer. When He was in Jerusalem, His prayer place was the Garden of Gethsemane. When He was in Galilee, He went into a field and prayed. Wherever He was, He would establish a solitary place of prayer. Do you have a place to pray? Your prayer place may be a recliner chair in your home. You may be an elderly person, but you can turn that chair into a prayer place, and God will meet with you. It can be a certain room, a bed, or even a walking trail. Just figure out where you can be alone and free from distractions and meet God there.


Watch the Full Sermon Here
