If You Persist You’ll Win
“We never give up.” 2Co 4:8 CEV
Before you quit and walk away, read the story of how Nehemiah rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem in just fifty-two days: First, he sought God’s help.“We prayed to our God” (Ne 4:9 NIV). Second, he protected his vision.“We…posted a guard day and night to meet this threat” (v. 9 NIV). Third, he refused to quit.“Should a man like me run away?…I will not” (Ne 6:11 NIV). Gandhi said, “You may never know what results come from your action, but if you do nothing there will be no results.” In spite of the obstacles, the enemy, and the pressure—Nehemiah refused to give up. And God honors people with such a spirit. Paul said, “Even when we don’t know what to do, we never give up. In times of trouble, God is with us” (2Co 4:8-9 CEV). Thomas Edison gave the world electric light, microphones, storage batteries, sound films, phonographs, and a thousand other inventions. Here are the principles he lived by: (1) Work to obtain all the knowledge you can about what you want to achieve. (2) Fix your mind on your purpose. Persist! Seek! The trouble with most people is they quit before they start. (3) Keep searching, no matter how many times you meet with disappointment. (4) Refuse to be influenced by the fact that someone else tried the same thing and failed. (5) Stay “sold” on the idea that somewhere a solution to the problem exists, and you’ll find it.