Do something about it!
“He has created us anew…so we can do the good things he planned for us.” Eph 2:10 NLT
The Bible says God “created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” These are devastating times. A billion people are hungry, millions are trafficked in slavery, and pandemic diseases are gouging entire nations. Each year nearly two million children are exploited in the global sex trade. In the few minutes it took you to read today’s devotional, almost ninety children died of preventable diseases. More than half of all Africans don’t have access to modern health facilities. As a result, ten million die each year from diarrhea, acute respiratory illness, malaria, and measles. And many of those deaths could be prevented by one injection. You ask, “What can I do about it?” God answers prayer, so you can pray for those who are suffering. You can give, whether it’s a lot or a little. And you can volunteer. You’re surrounded by great causes in need of people. And here’s why you should get involved: Your life is racing by, and if you aren’t careful, one day you’ll look up and your one shot at life will have passed you by. Some people don’t concern themselves with such thoughts. They grind through their days without lifting their eyes to look. They live and die and never ask why. If you want your life to matter, live it in such a way that the world will be glad you did. You were created and redeemed to “do the good things he planned for [you] long ago.” And when you stand before God, He will ask you how well you carried out your assignment, and reward you accordingly.