Free Chapel is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA). Founded in 1979, ECFA has more than 1,500 leading Christian nonprofit organizations as members. When a ministry has the ECFA seal, its donors can know that the organization’s “financial house” is in order and can see where their resources are going. We believe that our ECFA membership offers accountability and proves that donors can give with confidence to this ministry as we partner together to win souls for God’s kingdom.
For more information, visit ECFA.
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When is the last time you went out of your way to sweep your spouse off their feet? Here’s a thought, schedule a babysitter. Take them out on the town! Wives, when your husband gets home from work, smack a big old kiss on him for no reason! Be spontaneous! It may take a little more effort these days, but isn’t it worth it? Isn’t your family worth it?