Sermon Notes
Satan wants you to think God has forgotten about you, and there’s no way what you’re going through could ever work out for good. You may not know what to do or how you’ll get the help you need, but God knows everything, and He knows exactly what He’s doing with you! He always knows what He’s doing.
Key Points:
- God knows everything. God knows when you’re suffering and how long you’ve suffered. He knows the love you have for Him in your heart and if you belong to Him. You may not know everything, but God knows all things, and He knows what He’s doing with you.
- God is not worried. God is in control, and no one can stop what He has planned. There has never been a circumstance that has concerned Him or made Him wring His hands. He knows the beginning to the end, and nothing can stop Him from doing what He will do in your life.
- God knows what He will do with your suffering. God watched Job lose his family, his savings, and his health, and still praise Him. Job didn’t know it, but God knew He would restore double and use his story of suffering to encourage countless people when they experienced something hard. Thank God Job never gave up!
- God knows what He will do with injustice. Out of the pit you may be in, God will produce something incredible that would have never existed without that trial. Every time someone wrongs you, betrays you, or falsely accuses you, God sees it. God will use everything Hell brings against you for your good.
- God will test you. God will allow challenges in your life to test you to see if you’ll be faithful to Him, even to death. But when God sees that you trust Him, He knows He can trust you.
- Be confident. When God gives you instructions, you may not understand them, but God knows what He is doing. God is a good God, and all things work together for good.
Final Thoughts:
God knows the plans He has for you. He will use everything you’ve been through and give you peace, prosperity, hope, and a glorious future. Don’t stop praying or trusting God when things don’t make sense. You may not know, but God knows what He is doing. When you don’t have a clue, He always knows what He will do.