
September 6, 2017

Making Room for a Miracle

The question to ask is not whether God is big enough to supply your needs, but rather are the needs simply a ‘getting by’ list, or are they your greatest hopes?


The Spirit of God is a mighty flowing river that can wash every tear and fill every void, but without a void to fill the river keeps flowing. We need to make room for that river in our life. What are you doing to get God’s attention?


Every building starts with a foundation. We build our foundation through prayer. In James 5:16 we see that “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” The creator of the universe hears our sincere cries for help.


If you are creating a room, you will also need walls and a roof. Our praise continues to build on the foundation of prayer. We work to draw closer to the Lord through praise and worship. Psalms 71:14 says, “But I will hope continually, and will praise you yet more and more.” Despite our current circumstances, we must continue to grow closer to the Lord. If we call to Him, He will answer … just hold on.


We need to keep our faith strong. Growing can be painful and it is too easy to just let the thought of abundance go and move on with your life. We must push those thoughts aside. Matthew 24:13 says, “But he who endures to the end shall be saved.” It gets easy to grow cold and numb when you’re going through tough times, but hold on! Your miracle may be closer than you can imagine.


Blind Bartimaeus

When Blind Bartimaeus started his day, he sat on the street begging. He had his cloak that proved he was needy, if his lack of eyesight didn’t say enough. Can you imagine the meager expectations he awoke with every day? He expected to get just enough to make it through another day, but then Jesus came by and changed his life. Bartimaeus didn’t stand idly by and expect Jesus to heal him, he called to Jesus and found more than He ever could have imagined.


The Disciples

When the disciples reached the middle of the Sea of Galilee and a storm set in, they thought they were done for. These were fishermen knew the sea like the back of their hand. If they were afraid in a storm, it was a big deal. They fought with all their might to keep the boat afloat. When they saw Jesus, they called out, and He calmed the wind and the waves.



Zacchaeus was a short man. He wasn’t even tall enough to see over the crowd. He climbed a tree to see Jesus. When he got to where he could see Jesus, Jesus was also able to see him. Not only did salvation come to Zacchaeus, but it also came to his house.


The Shunammite Woman

The Shunammite woman was notable, but she had something missing. Her and her husband built the man of God a room in her home, so he could stop in and rest on his journeys. When she made room for the man of God and the power of God, God made room for her. Despite her husband being old, they were blessed with a son.

God can do more than we could ever hope or imagine, if only we ask. We must take the time to make room for God to reach down His Hand and open the windows of heaven. The river is constantly flowing, and if we’re not careful, we’ll just keep watching it flow by, mesmerized by the beauty and power. All the while God is waiting for you to make room for your miracle.


Watch Make Room for a Miracle to learn more about getting God’s attention.


Let’s talk.
