
May 19, 2017

Is Heaven Real? Then Act Like it!

Is Heaven Real? Then Act Like it! You would be very hard pressed to find a person who calls themself a Christian, who doesn’t believe there is a heaven. That’s because there is. There just is. It is the promise we have from God for those who have been born-again … those of us who have surrendered our right to ourselves, and given ourselves to Christ.


But another truth of the Bible is that Jesus said He is coming back—and most biblical scholars believe all the evidence points to very soon. VERY SOON.


Question of the day: Are you ready? Does the fact that He could come back any minute excite you, or depress you? Does it give you peace, or a sense of urgency?




Consider This:

1. Are you ready for His coming? Are you eager for His coming? Are you yearning for His coming?


It could happen today. It needs to be on our mind all the time. We should live in such a way that we wouldn’t be ashamed if He came today. You can love this life and you can love this world and there is nothing wrong with enjoying your life. But you have to remember that this is our second citizenship. This isn’t our home. Our primary residence and citizenship is in a place somewhere beyond the clouds.


Ask yourself: Am I ready for His coming? Am I eager for His coming? Am I yearning for His coming?


Once you received no mercy; now you have received God’s mercy. Dear friends, I warn you as temporary residents and foreigners to keep away from worldly desires that wage war against your very souls.

I Peter 2:10-11


2. Heaven is a real place. Heaven has one door, and that door is Jesus. Heaven has one gate, and that gate is Jesus. Heaven has one road, and narrow is the road, and there will be few that enter in. Heaven has dimensions. It has measurements. It has streets. It has mansions. It has housing. It has cities. It’s a real place. There are no limitations on our physical bodies when we get to Heaven.


3. You had better get off the edge. You better stop playing with sin, and playing with pornography, and playing with wickedness, and looking at filth, and filling your soul with the lies and deceptions of compromising Christians who tell you, you can sleep with whoever you want.


It’s sin. It’ll sin you to hell. The Bible says it. I’m just going to tell you that it still takes holiness. It still takes purity. It still takes repentance.


Rubber meets the road right here:


Question: If Jesus were to come back today, would you be ready? Would you be depressed over all the things you SHOULD have done or said? Or would you be ready for Him to say, “Well done good and faithful servant?” What needs to change?


Question: Have you ever stopped to consider He really could come back ANY TIME? If He were to come back tonight, what is left undone? What do you plan to do about that?


Let’s talk. I want to hear from you. Are you ready? What’s left undone?


Please post—and as always … I’M LISTENING.


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