
September 9, 2021

Wishing You a Blessed "Shana Tova" from Israel

It is always a pleasure to share with you the notes of gratitude and progress we receive from the organizations you're helping support through Jentezen Franklin Media Ministries. Here's a quick "Thanks" from Eshkol, the region in Israel where the bomb shelters and Playschool are being constructed. Your generosity is leaving a mark around the world! 


Dear friends,

We would like to take this opportunity to wish you a blessed "Shana Tova" and wish you a prosperous and healthy year ahead. May our friendship continue to flourish, thank you for standing by us.


Warmest regards,

Eshkol community

*A few update pictures of the playschool


Eshkol Israel Regional Trauma Center and PlayschoolEshkol Israel Regional Trauma Center and Playschool




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