
January 15, 2014

Ron and Brenda

Being very successful in Florida, life was very good until 2007. I had strayed from the lord and involved myself with unscrupulous people. 2009 was a devastating year when life took a drastic turn for the worse. I felt like God was allowing things to be taken away. By the end of 2009, my business, most of my properties, and income were gone. My friends abandoned me and then finally divorce came.

Being heavily distraught and deep into the valley of hopelessness, I remembered God and his word and knew He was my only hope now. For approximately 2 years I lived in a borrowed house and prayed for relief from God and that I would be still and silent until He opened doors for me. I prayed daily and attempted 4 companies that all failed dwindling the last of my savings.

I caught Jentezen surfing the television one Sunday and his passionate preaching held my attention to the end of service. I began following him, streaming Free Chapel service many times until the Sunday I drove to Gainesville for a real life service experience. I will never forget the spiritual power I felt that day. This was the time I was introduced to fasting and the real meaning and purpose behind it. I prayed and waited on God as He still closed more doors. Little was left to have.

A decision was made to join Free Chapel in the 2012, 21-day fast. I read and followed the fasting material and followed the daily devotionals. I looked so forward to the morning video from Pastor Jentzsen for the encouragement I needed for the day. As we got closer to the end of the fast, my spirit was so moved and nothing in my life mattered but to seek my God’s grace and love for me. Day 21 was very saddening for I made such a daily bond with Free Chapel. A decision was made to go the full 40 day fast in hopes to get God’s attention of how desperate I was and how I trusted with every fiber for a breakthrough in my life.

2012 short version, God sent me a wonderful woman of God, rid me of most of my debts and bad properties, put money in the bank. He told me to forget the old life, break all ties in Florida, move to Gainesville, join Free Chapel, get involved and start over… I will make the way for you.

My new wife and I are now in Gainesville, GA, fasting 2014, joining Free Chapel, and God is opening so many doors for us. Joy and direction is back, healing is coming quickly and life is worth looking forward to.

Prayer will get you to the door but many times fasting will get you THROUGH the door.

Thank you, Jentezen and Free Chapel, we are fasters for life.
