Murphy's Finances
“The financial blessing has been poured out over and over again beyond anything I could have ever imagined. If you are desperate for God to change your life - the answer is fast!”
Testimony: I came across Jentezen Franklin's Fasting book for $10 in a local Christian bookstore in the fall of 2008. I have been a Christian for a while but couldn't comprehend why people would give up food to fast, so I was intrigued to read and learn. In 2009, I began a new job on 1/5. I decided that would be the beginning of my first 21 day fast. I had turned this job down at first, but God apparently really wanted me to take it because the offered me more money to come onboard. I started as a Marketing Associate in an Independent Senior Living Community with a job to fill vacant apartments. We had 15 openings at that time. By September, we started a waiting list and by the end of December we sold our last apartment and started a waiting list. The next year 2010, I would be promoted to the Marketing Director. The waiting list would grow to 40 people and as one person left the community, God had the next waiting in line to move in. This would go on until the fall of 2018 when I was promoted to the management company to be the Director of Sales and now I’m in charge of 12 teams to help them have the same success. This will be my 12th year joining in this fast. What a blessing and privilege it is to experience this gift that God gives each believer. I am so glad God made me curious to know more and try it. It not only changed my life, but it has blessed my family, my church, and local community. The financial blessing has been poured out over and over again beyond anything I could have ever imagined. If you are desperate for God to change your life - the answer is fast!