Are you looking for increase in 2015? It starts in your mind.
Did you ever hold on to old clothes even though they didn’t fit or were out of style? Just like we do with old clothes, we tend to hold on to old ways of thinking and old patterns of behavior. Sometimes the thing that prevents God from bringing increase to our life is what’s locked between our own ears! We become convinced that we will never be free of our old struggles or we continue to try to bring increase through our own power. When we choose to humble ourselves before God and trust Him to make over our weaknesses and transform our thinking, then God can send increase into our lives.
The apostle Paul wrote, “And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice – the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him. Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” (Romans 12:2 NLT). God wants to give you a makeover – starting with your mind.
You see, there’s nothing wrong with wanting greater spiritual gifts. There’s also nothing wrong with wanting to see God bring new increase into your life. But you must remember that there are no shortcuts. Before God can transform you, you must give Him yourself as a sacrifice. And that’s where fasting comes in!
As you have been fasting and praying and seeking God with your whole heart, you have been acknowledging God. When you felt hungry, empty and weak, you connected to God without all the clutter. As you focused on God, He began to change your heart and your mind. Your old thoughts and behaviors were being changed. God was working on your makeover!
Don’t ever hesitate to show God your problems and your shortcomings. Give Him every part of your life – every hurt, every wounded area that hasn’t healed yet. Give Him your temper, your unforgiveness, things you didn’t even know were affecting you. When you bring your scars and issues to God, He will give you a makeover, giving you beauty for ashes, strength for scars and His grace to cover your weakness.
God wants to bring increase to your life this year, but you won’t see different results by doing the same old things and thinking the same old thoughts. You will see increase to the degree that you give yourself to God as a sacrifice, allow Him to change the way you think and transform your life to bring you into the destiny He has planned for you. Trust in God and hang on because it’s going to be a great year!