
January 14, 2021

Coleman's Healing 

“Our family remained undeterred and continued to lift her up in prayer as she was on a ventilator. The next day she started showing signs of improvement and the following day she was COMPLETELY OFF the ventilator and breathing on her own!!”
Testimony: During the last Wednesday of the 2020 Fast, Pastor Jentezen told us to believe God for ‘unusual’ miracles. Exactly five weeks later I was able to do just that. My Mother suddenly became ill and was taken to a local hospital by ambulance. From there she was air lifted to a larger hospital and during the flight she crashed twice. While in the Emergency Room, she coded again. The ER doctor said that it was unlikely that a 78-year-old who had crashed multiple times after suffering cardiac arrest wouldn’t regain consciousness. Our family remained undeterred and continued to lift her up in prayer as she was on a ventilator. The next day she started showing signs of improvement and the following day she was COMPLETELY OFF the ventilator and breathing on her own!! She continued to make progress and the root cause of the sudden cardiac arrest was identified (dangerous abnormal heart rhythm causing congestive heart failure). She received a pacemaker/defibrillator implant and began medication to strengthen her heart. Prior to her leaving the hospital, the same ER doctor came to visit her. He told her only ONE out of ten people survive those cardiac episodes and that the Lord must have more work for her to do! Since then, she has been doing well, and our family continually thanks the Lord for our special ‘unusual’ miracle.
